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The Foundation of the Church

Posted on August 23, 2020

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The Foundation of the Church

Isaiah 51:1-6

Psalm 138

Romans 12:1-8

Matthew 16:13-20

On Tuesday this week had the opportunity to go on a long walk through Ann Arbor. On my walk I passed several churches and other campus buildings or monuments that were all advertising various political beliefs and advertising various movements that are currently taking place in our country as of this time in history. Some of the campus advertisements I was not so surprised with but I was rather surprised to see what some of the churches were displaying. Many of them things that I would say are not biblically or doctrinally sound even according to their own doctrine. However, more and more I think we see many churches adapting their doctrine to the culture instead of the seeking to influence the culture to adapt around the doctrine.

These last few weeks I have heard many alarming incidences about people leaving churches due to the church’s response to some current events and to many things that are on social media. Dr Gardner weekly sends a message to pastors about his weekly thoughts and he communicated something similar to what I have been seeing and kind of confirmed my intentions for this message today. I want to share with you some of the highlights that he shared with us.

The success matrix is changing rapidly in American Christianity. It’s no longer successful to just be able to gather big crowds around you. Success is measured by what the closest people around you are becoming. As I am monitoring FB, my first reaction was one of frustration as I watch people whom I greatly respected get loud, angry, belligerent….I think you know what I mean. And I was reminded that the reality is, the church should have done a better job of discipleship with people. We may have said it straight, but in the words of a friend, “they heard it crooked.” At least I am wondering if we could have done a better job of teaching, preaching so people would be responding out of a Biblical context and not a political one. If success is measured by what the people around you and I are becoming, I need to be sure I am becoming, so I can set the example and not just utter words.

I am amazed at how people act these days and really on both sides of political parties. This it was mentioned in the news about the unfairness of the Goodyear Tire corporation not allowing employees to advertise and wear MAGA apparel or Blue Lives matter apparel yet they were allowed to wear apparel that supports Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ. This has caused an uproar with many conservatives in this country. So much so that we have been receiving phone calls this week from people simply calling in to tell us that if we continue sell Good Year tires then they are never going to do business with us again. Some people were more belligerent than others. Unfortunately for these customers if they are serious about this then this means that they will not be able to purchase or have their tires purchased anywhere as Good Year is a national tire company that distributes their products to every tire distributor in the nation and even the world. Though I may agree that they should be upset about the lack of fairness by the Good Year company I disagree with the belligerent way that some of these people are protesting just as I disagree with the belligerent way that many of the Black Lives Matter movement is being used to protest as well or at least being used as a tool for other anti-government organizations to achieve their own agenda.

I believe that the church has in many ways forgotten or lost their foundation for what it means to be the church. As Dr. Gardner said, there seems to be a loss in communication through either discipleship or preaching of what it means to be followers of Christ. If Jesus were in the world teaching and preaching today, I don’t think he would be out there carrying Black Lives Matter signs or LGBTQ signs, nor would he be wearing a MAGA hat or waiving a Blue Lives Matter sign. No, I think Jesus would be doing the exact same thing as he was portrayed doing in the scriptures. He would be calling everyone to repent and telling them that the kingdom of God is near. He would be telling everyone that the end of days is near and hear and that we need to get our lives and households in order. The foundation of the church is not meant to be the culture of the world but the foundation is to be our faith in the death and resurrection of the Christ.

In Matthew 16:13-20 Jesus asks the question, “who do people say the Son of Man is?” The disciples give their various answers of what the world believes. “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” The world sees Christ in the view of the world however, Jesus was seeking to see if maybe they were viewing him through a heavenly worldview. He then asks them “Who do you say I am?” Peter miraculously announces that Jesus is the Messiah and even announces him as the Son of the living God. Jesus tells Peter that he is blessed because he believes this by what the Lord has revealed to Peter and not by anyone else of flesh and blood. Jesus then gives him the name Peter which means Rock and, on this rock, Jesus says he will build his church. This statement is not meant for us to think that there is something special about Peter that is setting him apart from the rest of the disciples as the head leader. However, I believe Jesus, is more talking about the foundation of faith that Peter is displaying. It is through this type of foundation of faith that the church will be built. We need to remember that the church is meant to be about our faith in Christ and not about our faith in the world.

Romans 12:1tells us that in view of the mercy of the Lord we should offer ourselves as a living sacrifice both holy and pleasing to God. Paul says that this is our true and proper worship. Our worship should be about sacrifice and service and not about selfishness and satisfying our own desires or agendas. It is about fulfilling God’s agenda and not the political agendas going on and about right now. I am ashamed and appalled by many of the actions that I have been hearing about of some leaders in the church that I have respected for a long time. Elections can really bring to light sometimes the sins of the church. I believe it is important for us as the church not to forget about our foundation. Our foundation is Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who by his grace offered himself up for us even that many of us would still reject him or misuse his name. I believe when churches radically support certain political sides or agendas we are stepping away from our foundation. Don’t get me wrong it is important to be careful to vote for political leaders who will hopefully serve the country well and hopefully support our faith as well. However, we must use our foundation in Christ as our guide for that choice and must act in a Christ like way in response to the current events.

I never want to see what is happening in some churches to happen to this church. I believe that if we are keeping the main thing the main thing which is our gift of salvation through Christ Jesus then we have nothing to worry about. So be careful with what you say or read on social media. Be careful about what you post or repost. If your actions on social media or in the work place are not reflecting that of someone who is a Christ follower, then I think it is time to get back to your foundation. The foundation of the church is Christ, the Son of the living God and not of the political movements or beliefs. What foundation are you standing on today?