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Do Not Be Deceived

Posted on July 2, 2023

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Do Not Be Deceived

Revelation 13

Psalm 89:1-4, 15-18

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Matthew 24:1-29

Tuesday this week marks the anniversary of the declaration of this country’s independence as a sovereign and free nation from British rule. Brave men came together united to represent their people and began the process of designing on the most unique forms of government in the history of the world. Several hundred year from that day this nation still stands but within a very different world and mindset in comparison to back then. The warnings within our chosen scripture texts for today are not just a warning that affects just this nation but it is a warning that affects the entire world. The warning that the Word of God tells us today is a warning to not be deceived.

This country was uniquely founded as a Christian nation however though a Christian nation any citizen would have the same rights a privilege as a citizen of the United States regardless of their choice of faith or religion. This means that the laws and rights apply equally to all people whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or even Atheist. However, this original intent seems to have been forgotten and now with each passing year the laws, rights, and privileges apply differently that many Christians do not have the same rights as those of different choices of faith. These are the birth pains of the end times globally.

Our passage in Revelation 13 this morning tells us about the appearance of the beast. This beast will deceive many and will cause people to worship the dragon whom we know as Satan. The beast will speak blasphemous things about God and will be given authority to wage war against God’s Holy people. It will be given authority to lead the entire world under one world government. Many will be tested and killed for their faith and this will be a time of endurance for the faith for all of God’s people.

We are told about a second beast having two horns like a lamb. It has the same authority as the beast but looks different in that it has the image of a lamb like the lamb that was slain. It performs great signs and wonders and causes people to worship the first beast and deceives many, even the elect to believe in its lies. This beast will force people to wear a mark on their forehead or right hand and if anyone does not have this mark then they are unable to buy or sell things.

In our world today technology has given birth to some amazing things and some very troubling things a well. Technology in the right hands can be used for a lot of good. However, the same technology in the wrong hands can be used for evil. We hear a lot in the news lately about AI technology. Artificial intelligence is used today for a lot of things. Most websites today use AI chat bots to help people navigate the website or to find information that they need. AI is used to follow our movements and habits and will predict where we will go and what we will do. Have you ever gotten in the car and see a notification on your phone from google telling you how long it will take you to get somewhere and what is the best route to take that day. Google know that you are in your vehicle and it knows where you are most likely to go. This is AI technology monitoring your every move. Google even listens to you speak and will bring information up that you might have been having a conversation about. This is all AI tech at work. AI is everywhere now.

A few weeks ago, I heard some most disturbing news about a Church in Germany. This church has replaced their pastor with an AI Chat bot pastor that shows up on a screen. This AI pastor preached a sermon about many different globalist talking points such as climate change, and the war in Ukraine. In addition to this there is now an AI Jesus that has become popular. This AI Jesus is given the image of how we may see Jesus today. It speaks about a lot of feel-good things but does not speak of actual scripture. This AI image is here to deceive many.

Yuval Noah Harari of the World Economic Forum in my opinion has some of the most frightening ideas about AI today. He speaks about AI being used to rewrite the Bible. AI is able to create its own ideas and Harari says that AI may be used to create a religion that is “actually true.” He believes that all other religions up until now are false, especially Christianity and AI is going to be what brings the truth to the world. In 1981 there was a movie called the Image of the Beast and in that movie, there is an image sitting in the temple of God on the Ark of the Covenant and this image looks like a man but it is not a man and it is like a computer and given the ability to speak. I cannot say for sure that the beast we read about in Revelation will be some sort of Artificial Intelligence that will lead people astray but it does seem to fit some of the description that we read about. 2 Thessalonians 2 tells us about the deception of the lawless one being revealed. He will oppose us and exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshipped. He will set himself up in God’s temple and proclaim himself as God. Much like AI Jesus.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 to not be deceived for many false messiahs will come to deceive many and there will be many wars and rumors of wars, nation rising up against nation, famines and earthquakes, and this is only the beginning. Many of us will be persecuted and be put to death and many will turn away from their faith. Many false prophets will appear to deceive many. Many people will grow cold towards others but those who stand firm will be saved.

Now the last part of Revelation 13 talks about the mark of the beast in which must be worn for people to do business in the world. Those who refuse the mark will be separated out and unable to purchase the food or supplies that they need and will not be able to operated their own business. Yesterday, July 1st 2023, remember this day well, the Federal Reserve quietly launched what is called FedNow. This is a program that allows the Fed to instantaneously approve and settle financial transactions. They are encouraging the entire banking system to use this program. This program is designed to serve as the infrastructure of a Central Bank Digital Currency. Once this government programmable currency does finally take over, cash will become banned as a legal tender and these digital tokens will take its place. Some people believe that cash can never be made illegal in the United States however, it has already happened nearly 100 years ago when in 1930, holding physical gold became illegal and it was confiscated by our government and replaced by cash and bonds. If it happened before then it can happen again and this time the government will have direct control and surveillance over every transaction that you make. You will not be able to make purchases or sell anything without these digital tokens.

The question then is whether or not this is the mark of the beast that we read about in scripture? We cannot be sure with absolute certainly however; this could be the beginnings of it all and there are those in the world striving to create one global digital currency and this certainly would be a step into that direction.

I speak of these things today because I do not want you to be deceived by what is happening in our world today. The world would have us believe that this AI Jesus is the return of the Messiah. The world would have us believe that the Bible is not a true book of faith. The world would have us believe that the Bible must be rewritten and that AI is the one that needs to do that. The world would have us believe that our purchases and transactions need to be monitored and controlled at all times for our own safety. The world have us all be deceived. But I tell you this morning to not be deceived by the world for the world will lead you to death and destruction but if you stay true to the Word of God and remain in that truth regardless of what the World says, then you will be saved from eternal destruction.