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40 Days of Strength

Posted on February 26, 2023

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40 Days of Strength

Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7

Psalm 32

Romans 5:12-19

Matthew 4:1-11

This morning we have a compare and contrast situation with in our scripture readings. We have the comparison shown in Romans 5 for in which it took one man to sin and therefore condemn the world and death becomes the reality of life in sin. Then in walks in another man and through one righteous and sinless act we eternal life becomes the new reality and pathway after accepting His grace and welcoming the death of the body to receive life in the spirit. However, what we really have put before us today is a comparison of temptations and yet a difference between weakness and strength.

Let us start with the first comparison for in which the entire world has become condemned and perfection has been altered and good is no more. Let us establish this to start off. When God finished creating all that had created, he said that it was good. If God says it is good then that means that it is really good. Therefore, this means that Adam and Eve were created inherently good and felt perfection. It was so good that they did not feel pain, it was so good that they did not feel cold. We are told that they were created naked and they were left in the garden naked. There was no need for clothing because the air was perfect. In addition, the two were both naked and unashamed. This meant that the man and woman could be naked together and feel none of the sexual desires of attraction seeking physical pleasure for pleasure’s sake. They were created with a clean slate and were perfect in all goodness.

However, here comes Satan in the form of a serpent. He speaks to the woman and not the man. Satan is so very cunning in that he mixes a lie with a bunch of truth as well. Satan brings up his first lie saying, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” The woman points out the lie. Because that is not what God said, for they can eat from the trees in the garden with only the exception of one tree for which God gave only one law for his creation. The law was that they were not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God’s law was there to protect his creation and to keep them safe from harm. Next Satan mixes in a little truth which brings a little bit of confusion therefore making the temptation more exciting. He tells her the truth that if she eats this fruit then her eyes will be open and she will know the difference between good and evil just as God does. This was the truth but if God wanted them to have this knowledge then he would have created them with this knowledge in the first place. The enticement was too good to pass up and so she gives in to temptation and Adam knowing the truth himself chose to follow his wife rather than God. One thing I notice from this first temptation and sin is that Satan didn’t appear at a time of weakness to bring this temptation. It was not as if the woman would or should be really hungry. They had everything they needed to eat and all was perfect. Yet they easily gave in to the temptation anyway.

Next is another temptation story that parallels the first one and yet has a different outcome. After Jesus was baptized he went out into the wilderness to be tested by Satan. We are told that he fasted for 40 days and at the end of those days he was hungry. Jesus comes into this world perfect in that he was conceived by the Holy Spirit and yet he is bound in the imperfect human body in which he may feel hunger, pain, aging, and illness. So, when he feels hunger he is feeling the exact same feeling that any of us would feel. Unlike with Adam and Eve, Satan comes to Jesus when he is at his weakest and he tempts him. He first twists the truth just like in the garden. He knows that Jesus is the son of God and knows that he is all powerful. So knowing that Jesus is hungry he entices him to turn some stones into food for himself. It would be easy for Jesus to do that but he knows that food is not as important as the commands and laws of God.

Next Satan takes Jesus up to the top of the temple and actually quotes scripture to him. Satan speaks truth to entice Jesus to attempt suicide. Jesus then responds the this twisted truth with another truth and that is to not put the Lord your God to the test. Finally, Satan brings Jesus up to the top of a mountain and shows him the kingdoms of the world. Satan promises Jesus power over all people if he would just worship Satan over God. Jesus then tells the tempter to go away for he will worship the Lord only.

We began the season of Lent this past Wednesday which we observe these 40 days until easter to remind us of the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert and conquering over temptation even in his weakness. I call this 40 days of strength because even though he was approached at his weakest point he chose not to sin. He overcame weakness with strength in the truth of the Word of God. Adam and Eve did not need 40 days of hunger to cause them to give in to temptation. This is actually often the difference between any of us compared to Jesus. Satan will come to tempt us at any time, not just at our weakest moments. Yet we try to give the excuse that we were weak and gave in to temptation. However, our so called weakness is nothing in comparison to the weakness that Jesus experienced through his temptation. This was true weakness and yet he refused to give in. Jesus has experienced all of the human condition and then some and yet he chose to still live a perfect life, the life that God intended for us to live. Through his example we see that it is possible to live in righteousness over sin. However, he is all the more gracious to us in providing for us a pathway to righteousness by his own power and not our own. For all of us have sinned and fallen short of his glory. Yet he restores us into relationship with God. As we go through this season of Lent, I think it is important for us to remember each day as a day of strength of the Lord. As we remember this let us seek the truth as Jesus did and not allow ourselves to fall prey to the tempter. Let us be thankful for our Lord to show us the example and to provide us a way to live righteously.